It's been a crazy semester, but it's over now. I'll see all of you around the Education Building.
Thanks for teaching me about technology, and how to use it in the classroom to be a more effective teacher.
Its Been Real, Its Been Fun, But Not Real Fun
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Final Blog Assignment
This semester I have had the opportunity to use many different tools that have allowed me to become more technologically literate. I have learned how to blog, and to follow blogs of other teachers that are already in the field. I have also got to learn other forms of technology that I plan on using in the classroom like; I tunes, I tunes U, Google Earth, Google Presentations, ACCESS, ALEX, Timeline Toast, and Twitter. I have also learned how to create podcasts, and how to develop my Personal Learning Network. These all are great tools for future teachers to use in the classroom. Also we have learned to use Vocarro, Delicious,and Picasa. This has been a very busy semester, but I have learned a lot. Before I took EDM 310 I have almost no experience in any one of these fields of technology, and now I have seen ho useful it can be to me as a future teacher. Teachers in the "modern era" must be technology literate, and give their students the skills that they need to be successful with technology. It is important for our students to be successful with technology, because their future jobs will be reliant on technological skills.
If there was one thing that I wished I had learned how to do was to make videos, and import them onto the Internet. I think that would be really cool to have a film of you on your blogs introducing yourself rather than a Vacarro message. I'm not even sure if that is possible, but I think it would be very cool.
I enjoyed learning everything in this class, but somethings were more fun to learn than others. I thought that there were things that we learned that would help us to become better teacher, and stuff that didn't. Like learning how to put your Earth Project on your blog page. Google Earth is definitely a tool that I plan on using in the classroom, but I don't see the point of putting in my blog other than looks since you can save it Google Earth. I really enjoyed learning about ACCESS, ALEX, following teachers blogs, and comments for kids because I knew saw that doing so would directly help me become a better teacher.
I was really excited about making podcasts. I thought that your project turned out really well for it being everybody's first podcast. I was also impressed with the possibilities that where there with tools such as Timeline Toast, and Google Earth. With Google Earth I got to look at my home in Citronelle, and I thought that was really awesome.
The most bored that I would get in this class, was while watching 30 minute films to write two paragraphs about. Most of the films where very informative, but after so long I would lose interest in them. The most interesting parts where the presentations, projects, following teachers, and comments for kids. I really enjoyed doing the comments for kids every week because they were so smart, and doing such a great job.
I really enjoyed this class, but if I could change anything about the class, it would be to do more stuff inside the class. During the week we could do more projects while the blogs, and other commenting could be homework. That way everybody in the class isn't scrambling to to do them late in the semester. It would be nice to learn Twitter one week, then Timeline Toast the next week..... I understand that you want us to be more responsible learners, but doing them within the class keeps everybody more organized and productive. Also if there are problems they are easier to fix then, than wait until the next class period to ask about the problem.
When I started this class I was probably technology illiterate. I am now partically literate, but I have a solid foundation that will allow me to learn more stuff about technology in the coming years. Thanks to this class I will be a better teacher, because I will incorporate technology into my teaching.
I will improve my skills in technology until I graduate. I will continue to Twitter, Blog, and to build my PLN. I will do this because I want to be a successful teacher that has contacts with outside of my region to look too for ideas, and advice.
If there was one thing that I wished I had learned how to do was to make videos, and import them onto the Internet. I think that would be really cool to have a film of you on your blogs introducing yourself rather than a Vacarro message. I'm not even sure if that is possible, but I think it would be very cool.
I enjoyed learning everything in this class, but somethings were more fun to learn than others. I thought that there were things that we learned that would help us to become better teacher, and stuff that didn't. Like learning how to put your Earth Project on your blog page. Google Earth is definitely a tool that I plan on using in the classroom, but I don't see the point of putting in my blog other than looks since you can save it Google Earth. I really enjoyed learning about ACCESS, ALEX, following teachers blogs, and comments for kids because I knew saw that doing so would directly help me become a better teacher.
I was really excited about making podcasts. I thought that your project turned out really well for it being everybody's first podcast. I was also impressed with the possibilities that where there with tools such as Timeline Toast, and Google Earth. With Google Earth I got to look at my home in Citronelle, and I thought that was really awesome.
The most bored that I would get in this class, was while watching 30 minute films to write two paragraphs about. Most of the films where very informative, but after so long I would lose interest in them. The most interesting parts where the presentations, projects, following teachers, and comments for kids. I really enjoyed doing the comments for kids every week because they were so smart, and doing such a great job.
I really enjoyed this class, but if I could change anything about the class, it would be to do more stuff inside the class. During the week we could do more projects while the blogs, and other commenting could be homework. That way everybody in the class isn't scrambling to to do them late in the semester. It would be nice to learn Twitter one week, then Timeline Toast the next week..... I understand that you want us to be more responsible learners, but doing them within the class keeps everybody more organized and productive. Also if there are problems they are easier to fix then, than wait until the next class period to ask about the problem.
When I started this class I was probably technology illiterate. I am now partically literate, but I have a solid foundation that will allow me to learn more stuff about technology in the coming years. Thanks to this class I will be a better teacher, because I will incorporate technology into my teaching.
I will improve my skills in technology until I graduate. I will continue to Twitter, Blog, and to build my PLN. I will do this because I want to be a successful teacher that has contacts with outside of my region to look too for ideas, and advice.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Teaching someone about Technology
I taught my sister how to create a Google web site. She is very excited about it, and is going to use it to upload pictures of her in her Azela Trail dress, so that my family up North can see it. It is something that she enjoyed learning about, and something she could use.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Week 14
A 7th Graders Personal Learning Enviroment:
I thougth that this video was a great example of how to successfully use technology in the classroom. Her PLE was very organized, and had everything that she needed to be successful in her academic career. She used facebook, blogs, and skype to get her work to where it could be seen by scientists and other people. In a perfect world this would be how classrooms should be taught, because it helps students to be successful with technology. It also gives them the responsibility to learn on their own, and the opprtunity to learn about what intrests them.
Two Questions that can Change your Life:
The two questions were:1) What is my sentence? and 2) Was I better today than yesterday?
These two questions can serve as motivation that makes sure that you are doing good for humanity, and that you improve as you go about your life. As a future educator these are questions that we need to ask ourselves everyday. I want to make an impact on the world through teaching. By asking these questions I will find my calling and to improve my skills.
I thougth that this video was a great example of how to successfully use technology in the classroom. Her PLE was very organized, and had everything that she needed to be successful in her academic career. She used facebook, blogs, and skype to get her work to where it could be seen by scientists and other people. In a perfect world this would be how classrooms should be taught, because it helps students to be successful with technology. It also gives them the responsibility to learn on their own, and the opprtunity to learn about what intrests them.
Two Questions that can Change your Life:
The two questions were:1) What is my sentence? and 2) Was I better today than yesterday?
These two questions can serve as motivation that makes sure that you are doing good for humanity, and that you improve as you go about your life. As a future educator these are questions that we need to ask ourselves everyday. I want to make an impact on the world through teaching. By asking these questions I will find my calling and to improve my skills.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
First half:
Second Half
Second Half
Monday, April 19, 2010
Skype Project

I am very new with skype, but I already see advantages of using skype. In our class we have had the opportunity to skype with different teachers from around the world that gave us great advice on what to expect in the classroom.
Also I have got the chance to skype with some of my family from out of state. Mostly I talked with my cousins Jake and Bobby who I haven't got the chance to see in a long time. I thought that it was really cool that I got to see them and talk to them using technology. I plan on skyping them on a regular basis now.
Also I have got the chance to skype with some of my family from out of state. Mostly I talked with my cousins Jake and Bobby who I haven't got the chance to see in a long time. I thought that it was really cool that I got to see them and talk to them using technology. I plan on skyping them on a regular basis now.
For my interview I got the opportunity to interview my grandmother who has been a teacher for 15 years in the field of Special Education.
Alice Herring: Citronelle High School
1) Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I always loved working with kids. They have been my whole life. I was a stay at home wife and raised six children, and after they were grown I wanted to continue to work with children.
2)What advice would you give for a future teacher?
It is a very challenging job, but also very rewarding. I love my students, and I am very passionate about my job. My advice would be to do what you love, and if you don't love teaching or working with children you need to find a new profession.
3)Do you use technology in the classroom?
Yes, I do. Obviously I do not as much as I would like, because we only have two computers in my room. I think that it is very important for students to be able to use technology. Also they enjoy using the computer, so they end up learning a lot as well.
4)How has the use of technology changed since you first became a teacher?
Oh, it has changed a lot. The use of computer has defiantly changed education for the better. When I started teaching students rarely ever got to use computers for educational purposes, and now we are trying to find more ways for them to use them.
5)Do you think that teachers should be technology literate in today's classroom?
Ha, I don't think that I am technology literate at all. I know how to use the basics, but that's about it. I wish I knew how to do more with computers, and I think that it would be very beneficial for teachers to be technology literate in today's classroom.
Alice Herring: Citronelle High School
1) Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I always loved working with kids. They have been my whole life. I was a stay at home wife and raised six children, and after they were grown I wanted to continue to work with children.
2)What advice would you give for a future teacher?
It is a very challenging job, but also very rewarding. I love my students, and I am very passionate about my job. My advice would be to do what you love, and if you don't love teaching or working with children you need to find a new profession.
3)Do you use technology in the classroom?
Yes, I do. Obviously I do not as much as I would like, because we only have two computers in my room. I think that it is very important for students to be able to use technology. Also they enjoy using the computer, so they end up learning a lot as well.
4)How has the use of technology changed since you first became a teacher?
Oh, it has changed a lot. The use of computer has defiantly changed education for the better. When I started teaching students rarely ever got to use computers for educational purposes, and now we are trying to find more ways for them to use them.
5)Do you think that teachers should be technology literate in today's classroom?
Ha, I don't think that I am technology literate at all. I know how to use the basics, but that's about it. I wish I knew how to do more with computers, and I think that it would be very beneficial for teachers to be technology literate in today's classroom.
Comments for Kids 11, 12, 13
Week 11:
In this weeks comment for kids I got to see a picture that a student named Khismira drew of a snail going down a hill. The picture was very well drawn and the student has a lot of artistic ability. Art is a great way to express yourself, and also learn.
Week 12:
In this weeks comment for kids I got the opportunity to watch a video post Andre. In this post he discussed blowing bubbles. He was very descriptive, and I thought it was very interesting the way that he described things.
Week 13:
In this weeks comments for kids I got the chance to watch a video post by James. In his post he described going on a camping trip, and what he could learn from his experiences. He was looking forward to this experience, and wanted to learn the proper way to have a positive camping experience.
In this weeks comment for kids I got to see a picture that a student named Khismira drew of a snail going down a hill. The picture was very well drawn and the student has a lot of artistic ability. Art is a great way to express yourself, and also learn.
Week 12:
In this weeks comment for kids I got the opportunity to watch a video post Andre. In this post he discussed blowing bubbles. He was very descriptive, and I thought it was very interesting the way that he described things.
Week 13:
In this weeks comments for kids I got the chance to watch a video post by James. In his post he described going on a camping trip, and what he could learn from his experiences. He was looking forward to this experience, and wanted to learn the proper way to have a positive camping experience.
Comments for Teachers
Weeks 7,8,9
Kelly Hines: Keeping Kids First
After following this blog, I see that it is very important for a teacher to always keeps kids first. The opportunity to work with young people is the reason that I have always wanted to be a teacher. It is important that as future educators we keep this in mind that we are there for them and to help them to be successful. In her blog, Kelly makes reference to her grandmother and how inspirational she was to her in becoming a teacher. I want to be inspirational to my students in the future as well. We have all had teachers that have inspired us, and that is my goal.
Weeks 10,11,12
Ted Barnett: Ed.Tech: Challenge, Instinct, Resilience
After following his blog, I have found his page very useful. He has made several posts about how to use twitter successful, and information that could help future teachers. In the most interesting one I looked at was the post: Challenge, Instinct, Resilience.
In this post ted discusses the pressures and problems he had with being a new teacher. He said it was a baptism by fire and through it he learned how to lead under pressure. He said that he learned a lot about himself, and became a better teacher in the process.
As a teacher there are going to be a lot of pressures, and I am looking forward to facing these pressures and problems.
Weeks 13, 14
Steven Anderson: Blogging the Web 2.0, Connected Classroom
In this blog, Steven states that as teachers we are obligated to provide context and relationships so learning will make sense. Students have the right to know why and how what they are learning is significant. He also states that lessons must have depth and meaning so that students will be interested in the material. If students are interested then the students will be more adapt to learn more and discover more about the subject covered int he lesson.
I found this to be very interesting, because as teachers we must be able to keep our students interested in the materials. If students believe what they are learning is important they will be more likely to learn. This means that as a teacher you must be very passionate about what you teach. If a teacher is unenthusiastic about a lesson, so will the students. So, as a teacher you have to be passionate about the material, so that your students will be as well.
Kelly Hines: Keeping Kids First
After following this blog, I see that it is very important for a teacher to always keeps kids first. The opportunity to work with young people is the reason that I have always wanted to be a teacher. It is important that as future educators we keep this in mind that we are there for them and to help them to be successful. In her blog, Kelly makes reference to her grandmother and how inspirational she was to her in becoming a teacher. I want to be inspirational to my students in the future as well. We have all had teachers that have inspired us, and that is my goal.
Weeks 10,11,12
Ted Barnett: Ed.Tech: Challenge, Instinct, Resilience
After following his blog, I have found his page very useful. He has made several posts about how to use twitter successful, and information that could help future teachers. In the most interesting one I looked at was the post: Challenge, Instinct, Resilience.
In this post ted discusses the pressures and problems he had with being a new teacher. He said it was a baptism by fire and through it he learned how to lead under pressure. He said that he learned a lot about himself, and became a better teacher in the process.
As a teacher there are going to be a lot of pressures, and I am looking forward to facing these pressures and problems.
Weeks 13, 14
Steven Anderson: Blogging the Web 2.0, Connected Classroom
In this blog, Steven states that as teachers we are obligated to provide context and relationships so learning will make sense. Students have the right to know why and how what they are learning is significant. He also states that lessons must have depth and meaning so that students will be interested in the material. If students are interested then the students will be more adapt to learn more and discover more about the subject covered int he lesson.
I found this to be very interesting, because as teachers we must be able to keep our students interested in the materials. If students believe what they are learning is important they will be more likely to learn. This means that as a teacher you must be very passionate about what you teach. If a teacher is unenthusiastic about a lesson, so will the students. So, as a teacher you have to be passionate about the material, so that your students will be as well.
Week 13
I believe that blogging is the most important thing that I have learned about this semester. Before this semester I have never blogged before, and it could be very valuable for future teachers. Blogging allows people to get ideas from people that they never would have came into contact with, and also allows you to put your ideas out there for other people of interest to view and use. While blogging this semester we have got the opportunity to talk with teachers from other areas, and also got the opportunity to view blogs from children from all around the world.
I have also learned the value of your students publishing their work in blogs on the Internet. Children have great ideas, and they are worthy to be published, and by doing so many people are able to view their work. It can open doors that are beneficial to their futures that wouldn't have been opened if their ideas weren't published. Also it gives students an opportunity to learn how to use the computer, and technology to learn. That is important because their future success very well could be tied to their knowledge of how to use computers and technology.
I believe that blogging is the most important thing that I have learned about this semester. Before this semester I have never blogged before, and it could be very valuable for future teachers. Blogging allows people to get ideas from people that they never would have came into contact with, and also allows you to put your ideas out there for other people of interest to view and use. While blogging this semester we have got the opportunity to talk with teachers from other areas, and also got the opportunity to view blogs from children from all around the world.
I have also learned the value of your students publishing their work in blogs on the Internet. Children have great ideas, and they are worthy to be published, and by doing so many people are able to view their work. It can open doors that are beneficial to their futures that wouldn't have been opened if their ideas weren't published. Also it gives students an opportunity to learn how to use the computer, and technology to learn. That is important because their future success very well could be tied to their knowledge of how to use computers and technology.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Week 12
Dr. Seuss - The Zax
I thought that this cartoon was a very good example of how technology is changing, and we need to change with it to not become the Zax. As humans we are creatures of habit, and are stubborn to change, but change is necessary in order to keep learning and moving on with the times. I think that it is very important especially for teachers to adapt and stay current with the way things are being done with technology. As future teachers we must provide our students with lesson plans with technology, because that is what they are going to need to be successful in the world that they are going to live in.
Another PS 22 Video
After watching this video I was impressed with that class. The all of the students were interested and sang their hearts out. The thing that impressed me the most was the exposure that this song got the students. Stevie Nicks got them to come to Madison Square garden to participate in the Fleetwood Mac show. By watching this I realized it is important to publish the work of students on the Internet, because you never know who may be watching or what door it can open.
It is also important for our EDM 310 class to publish our work, because we also do not know who will see our work and what doors it can open. Another example is the comments for students that we have been doing. By them publishing their work on the Internet those students are being motivated by future teachers and other teachers from around the world.
I thought that this cartoon was a very good example of how technology is changing, and we need to change with it to not become the Zax. As humans we are creatures of habit, and are stubborn to change, but change is necessary in order to keep learning and moving on with the times. I think that it is very important especially for teachers to adapt and stay current with the way things are being done with technology. As future teachers we must provide our students with lesson plans with technology, because that is what they are going to need to be successful in the world that they are going to live in.
Another PS 22 Video
After watching this video I was impressed with that class. The all of the students were interested and sang their hearts out. The thing that impressed me the most was the exposure that this song got the students. Stevie Nicks got them to come to Madison Square garden to participate in the Fleetwood Mac show. By watching this I realized it is important to publish the work of students on the Internet, because you never know who may be watching or what door it can open.
It is also important for our EDM 310 class to publish our work, because we also do not know who will see our work and what doors it can open. Another example is the comments for students that we have been doing. By them publishing their work on the Internet those students are being motivated by future teachers and other teachers from around the world.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Week 11
I thought that this series of blog posts were really a good insight on how technology can affect the education of students. Kaia is a very bright child that uses technology to express how she sees the world around her. It was really neat that her dad has taught her knowledge of technology and how to use it. It was also really awesome how all of these people came together, to provide support for young Kaia. Mr. Chamberlains class was really encouraging in the voice thread they sent Kaia and her father. I think that it is awesome that so many people are now connected to Kaia and her education.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Week 10.5
Comments for teachers:
The blog that I looked at was very interesting. It was about tweeting and how to organize your tweets through delicious.
Comments for students:
I looked at a young lady's blog named Anastasia, and she told about her experience on her first day back to school.
The blog that I looked at was very interesting. It was about tweeting and how to organize your tweets through delicious.
Comments for students:
I looked at a young lady's blog named Anastasia, and she told about her experience on her first day back to school.
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