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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 10

An Open Letter to Educators: by Morgan Bayda

It was no surprise to me that Morgan had a very negative experience throughout her college career in dealing with the modern classroom structure and its inability to keep up with the times. That is because I have sat through many of the same structured classes that consist of long boring lectures, and they are almost unbearable to attend. Most of the learning I do for these classes are only for the short term, so I can pass a test.

I found the video linked to the blog very interesting and compelling. Dan Brown dropped out of school, because he said that it was interfering with his education. He made his point by saying that institutional education is going to fail if it does not evolve, because the price of education is now free thanks to the Internet. It really made me think about what the education I have been paying for has really taught me, and the only things I now for sure that I have learned is time management, and how to deal with stress. Also I have learned other things, but I'm really not sure about the value of most of the education I have received.

I thought that this blog was very eye opening, and I believe that institutional education has to evolve to meet the needs of the world. This is going to be very challenging, but it also means that every person in the world can have access to whatever information that they want, and this is a good thing for society.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. You made some really good points that I totally agree with. When I actually take the time to look back on all that I have learned since I have been in school, I have to ask myself how those things are going to be relevant to my life and job in the future. Education needs to evolve, and soon, or like Dan, a lot of people are going to drop out of school and find their education elsewhere. Great post.

  2. Very good points and observations. I do, at times, question what I have been assigned and its relevance. Good insight.
