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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
I thought this was a very interesting way to describe the life of students today. As you can tell from this video, the computer has became very important to students. The computer is important now because of the social networking and entertainment of it.
As a student I also feel the stress of not having enough time to do all of the homework that I have. In most parts I know exactly where all those students were coming from in the video, but I have to say when I have to get homework done I do not allow the computer, or cell phone to distract me.

"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
I thought this article was great. I totally agree that the use of modern technology can be a very productive tool, but not with teachers who cannot use it in ways to produce learning from students. Another brilliant point is that teachers need to be life long learners who work on their profession. This includes using whatever tool necessary to make the students critically think and learn valuable life skills.
I'm not sure what the classroom is going to look like in twenty years, but I believe that if you have passionate teachers who are professionals that challenge students, then students will continue to learn.

Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
Like it or not technology has became a huge part of life now. It is not good it has taken so long for technology to enter the classroom. I do not believe that you should be an technology illiterate teacher, but I do understand why teachers are behind. In the last few years there has been a boom in the use of technology and its resourcefulness to one's life. The key is for teachers to be life-long learners that try to do there best to be up to date and current with materials and teachings.
In today's world it is acceptable to be technology illiterate, but this should not include the teaching profession. I do not believe that they should be fired on the spot, but I believe that the teachers that take pride in their jobs are working on incorporating technology into the classroom for the students and the new skills it can provide.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count
When I saw how fast the numbers were growing I just watched in amazement, but when I thought about it these numbers made sense. In fact these numbers just reinforce my belief on how important technology is becoming in today's world.
As a future teacher these numbers mean that we need to prepare our students for a world where the use of technology, and being skilled in these technologies is a must. Also I realize that these numbers are probably going to grow even more before I make it into a classroom.

1 comment:

  1. You and I have the same view on Kelly Hines video. Teachers need to be life-long learners, and adapt to their students needs. Also, how do you not allow your cell phone or computer to distract you during homework. I am usually using my computer when doing homework.
