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Friday, January 29, 2010

Week 3

Today was the first time that I've ever listened to podcasts I found it to be every interesting and informative. I had no idea that there was so many podcasts with such a wide range of subjects and information levels. If these are used right I believe that they can serve as a valuable tool for teachers and students alike.
All of these podcasts seemed like they could be very useful. In the SmartBoard Lessons podcast that I listened too the creators discussed how to use technology, and how to wrap up a school year. This seemed like a good way for teachers to connect with other teachers by the spreading of ideas. In the Kidscast they discussed the usefulness of podcasts and video podcasts. Also they discussed how students learn from scaffold learning, by saying that teachers need to teach before field trips to make them more interactive.
The EdTech Talk and the Connect Learning podcasts were equally as helpful if not more. In Connect Learning episode 90 the creators were talking about connecting the teachers, students, and community through the podcast. I thought this was a great idea, because it allows students to use technology for help, and allows kids to respond through technology. In EDTech Talk they were answering questions that a girl had about Skype and helped her fix her problem. There are many advantages for teachers and students alike if podcasts were incorporated more into schools.
In the Mac Break Weekly and This Week in Photography podcasts also seemed really useful to people just not educators. The Mac Break Weekly talks about new technologies and their benefit and use from what I heard. This Week in Photography connects people of similar interests and addresses issues and questions of interest.
What I discovered that podcasts can be very useful to students and teachers alike if used properly. Also there are podcasts for any of your interests.

In the video Media Literacy in the First Grade, I was blown away at the level at which they used the computer and Internet. It just goes to show you how fast technology is growing and how easy it is for kids to learn how to use it. I believe that by using the computer, that these kids are learning in new ways that are fun and exciting and will make them learn faster and more efficient.
In response to Here's What's Coming, once again I was blown away at what such a young age children are learning how to use technology, in this case an i-phone. I'm not even sure if this kid had even began walking and talking yet, but was able navigate through the i-phone with ease. This just stresses the importance of the teachers of tomorrow to be technology literate, because your students will be.


  1. I was blown away by the videos too! Children today are provided such a variety of technologies and its great to see the schools putting them to good use.

  2. Carl,

    You made an interesting point about the podcast on field trips. With the technologies you are going to learn about in this class you can conduct a virtual field trip and get information over the web on something that might otherwise be financially out of reach. I had a group of students last semester do a podcast on virtual field trips and they had a great time doing it and it was very informative.

  3. I agree that the kids were very impressive. They can use a computer very efficiently relative to their age. It gives us a look into where technology is taking us in the future.

  4. Carl,

    Great Post. I have reached the same conclusion as you on most of these topics. I came into this class a little skeptical about technology in the classroom, but because of points like the ones you've made here I am rapidly changing my mind. The idea you present about students being able to use technology to solve problems in school is definitely a novel and exciting concept.

  5. I too was blown away when I watched the media literacy video, but not for the same reason. I know young kids can navigate computers with ease, I have a 7 year old who has had her own computer since she was 4, ans started computer class while she was attending preschool. I was blown away with they kids being able to use it in class. I don't think my daughter's teacher knows what a wiki i, and the only computers they get to use in the ones in the computer lab.
